Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 24

276. I would rather you——— home now (go, went, gone) ?

277. By this time next year she ____ her course (completed, will complete, will have completed)?

278. He is not fit ___ the job (on, for, with) ?

279. This medicine is sure to ____ pain (lesson, lessen, less) ?

280. She asked where he ____ Going (is, was, has) ?

281. ____ I spoke to his brother (he was not there, as he was not there, he is not there) ?

282. I hate sitting ___ her (beside, besides, besilde) ?

283. I looked ____ the number in the telephone directory (up, in, on) ?

284. We have been living here ___ twenty years (Since, for, around) ?

285. She will be coming, _____ (did she, doesn't she, won’t she) ?

286. He Just turned away when I asked him __ he meant (which, what, where) ?

287. Many a man _____ tempted by gold (is, am, are) ?

288. Mother Teresa ____ 1910 (is born in, was born in, has born in) ?

289. The Synonym for 'Quest' (rest, search, guilt) ?

290. The number of soldiers killed in the war ___ not large (was, were, is) ?

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