Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 23

261. There was no means of conveyance there, so we ____ walk (might, had to, may)?

262. I ___ playing tennis with Sania for a week now (play, played, have been) ?

263. __ his father's illness, he missed classes (Due to, Owing to, As) ?

264. Hardly had we reached the station, when the train __ (left, leaves, had left)?

265. She spoke as if She ____ intelligent (is, was , were) ?

266. Bread and butter _____ sold here (is, was, are) ?

267. A fleet of___ (flight, ships, cow)?

268. ___ of the three artists will perform tonight (Either, Neither, Any one) ?

269. The burglars entered the house_____ the owner’s absence (in, after, during) ?

270. It is ____ Book that won the Booker prize (a, an, the) ?

271. He ____ very quickly when I met him yesterday (walks, was walking, has been walking) ?

272.The crowd _____ very peaceful (have, was, were) ?

273. The only sport we enjoy is ______ Hockey (a, an, the, none of this) ?

274. Rani visited Mumbai last year, ___ (did he, didn’t she, doesn’t she)?

275. Which are the places to visit ___ France (in, on, to)?

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