Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 10

101. Some of them wanted to stay longer,______ (did we, didn't we, didn’t they) ?

102. Mr. Rajesh _____ the work in December last year (Start, Started, will start) ?

103. When was ______ bulb invented (a, an, the) ?

104. Computer literacy is just a skill like ____ other (any, few, all) ?

105. Rome was not build in a_____ (Month, Week, Day) ?

106. The Chief Minister____ the Governor to clarify the matter in detail (called in, called at, called on) ?

107. She is the _____ of my two daughters (Older, Elder, Eldest) ?

108. Sheena is a _____old lady (Virtue, Virtual,Virtuous)?

109. An elderly unmarried woman is called (maid, benefactor, spinster) ?

110. At this time tomorrow _____ over the USA (we flying, we will fly, we will be flying) ?

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