

Kerala PSC - Sri Chitra Thirunal Balarama Varma (1931-1949)

  • He was the last of the ruling sovereign of Travancore.

  • Under the Legislative Reforms Act the Travancore Legislature was reformed on the basis of wider franchise.

  • The Legislature was bi-cameral, the Sri Mulam Assembly and the Sri Chitra State Council constituting the two houses.

  • A Public Service Commission was appointed in 1935 in order to ensure fair representation for all communities in appointments to government service on the basis of a system of communal rotation.

  • The Temple Entry Proclamation in 1936 and the establishment of the Travancore University in 1937 were significant achievements.

  • The Travancore Land Mortage Bank was established in 1932.

  • The Agricultural Debt Relief Act (1937), the Travancore Village Union Act (1939) were passed.

  • A number of factories such as Travancore Rubber Works, The Ceramic Factory at Kundara, the Plywood Factory at Punalur, the Fertilizers and Chemicals. Travancore Limited at Elur, etc. were started during his period.

  • The execution of the Pallivasal Hydro electric scheme and the introduction of State Transport Services were notable achievements of the period.

  • Sir CP Ramaswamy Ayyar was the Diwan of Sri Chitra Tirunal.

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