Kerala PSC - Biology - Human Body (Circulatory System)

  • Heart, blood vessels and blood are parts of the circulatory system.
  • Food materials, respiratory gases and excretory products are transported by blood.
  • Heart has four chambers. It acts as a double pump, receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs and sending it to the different parts of the body and receiving de-oxygenated blood from the body and sending it to the lungs.
  • The blood vessels that carry blood from heart to different parts of the body Arteries
  • The blood vessels that carry blood to the heart Veins
  • Hemoglobin contained in red blood corpuscles absorbs oxygen. Hemoglobin gives red colour to blood.
  • Vitamins B12 and Folic acid are important in the formation of red blood corpuscles. Vitamin K is essential for the clotting of blood.
  • Haemophilia is a hereditary disease.