Kerala PSC Computers Question and Answers - 30

Q.1. A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as ________.

[1] land-line device
[2] On-line device
[3] Off-line device
[4] Device
[5] None of the above

Q.2. What is the other name for programmed chip?

[1] RAM
[2] ROM
[3] LSIC
[4] PROM
[5] None of these

Q.3. Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques _______. ?

[1] Laser printers
[2] Dot-Matrix
[3] Line printer
[4] Daisy wheel
[5] None of the above

Q.4. You use a (n) ....., such as a keyboard or mouse, to input information

[1] output device
[2] input device
[3] storage device
[4] processing device
[5] None of these

Q.5. ............ is the ability of a device to "jump" directly to the requested data

[1] Sequential access
[2] Random access
[3] Quick access
[4] All of the above
[5] None of these

Q.6. ............ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously

[1] Multitasking
[2] Multithreading
[3] Multiprocessing
[4] Multicoputing
[5] Multiplexing

Q.7. The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called _______.

[1] Processing
[2] Storing
[3] Editing
[4] Sorting
[5] None of these

Q.8. The ALU and Control Unit jointly known as _______.

[1] RAM
[2] ROM
[3] CPU
[4] PC
[5] BIOS

Q.9. RAM is an example of ________.

[1] Secondary memory
[2] Primary memory
[3] Main memory
[4] Virtual memory
[5] Both [1] and [2]

Q.10. Magnetic disk is an example of ______.

[1] Secondary memory
[2] Primary memory
[3] Main memory
[4] Flash memory
[5] Both [1] and [2]

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