Kerala PSC Computers Question and Answers - 14

1. An Individual screen in a Slide Show is called __________

[A] Slide
[B] Object
[C] Design
[D] None of the Above

2. ________ is an empty object on a new slide that reserve a space for the type of information you want to insert.

[A] Slide Master
[B] Place Holder
[C] Design Template
[D] None of the Above

3. _______ controls the formatting for all the slides in the presentation.

[A] Slide Master
[B] Place Holder
[C] Design Template
[D] None of the Above

4. _________ is a pre-designed model that you can apply to one or all of the background slides in a presentation.

[A] Slide Master
[B] Place Holder
[C] Design Template
[D] None of the Above

5. The combination of title, text or content place holders and the arrangement on a slide is called ___________

[A] Slide Master
[B] Object
[C] Design Template
[D] Slide Layout

6. A special effect used to introduce a slide during a slide show is known as _________

[A] Slide Master
[B] Transition
[C] Design Template
[D] Slide Layout

7. The movement of text, graphics, or objects in a PowerPoint presentation is called __________

[A] Slide Master
[B] Animation
[C] Design Template
[D] Slide Layout

8. The combined use of more than one media such as image, sound, video, et[c], is known as ___________

[A] Slide Master
[B] Transition
[C] Design Template
[D] Multi Media

9. The maximum Zoom % in MS Powerpoint is __________

[A] 100
[B] 200
[C] 300
[D] 400

10. _________ is used to change the design and layout of printed handouts.

[A] Slide Sorter View
[B] Slide Master View
[C] Handout Master View
[D] Notes Master View

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