

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 65

1. Who among the following is the author of oldest surviving Prakrit grammar Prākrita Prakāśa?
[a] Pingala
[b] Yaska
[c] Vararuchi
[d] Shaunaka

2. The famous book ‘Brihat Katha’ was written by__?
[a] Gunadhya
[b] Sarva Varman
[c] Panini
[d] Radhagupt

3. Who among the following laid down for punishment for a person becoming mendicant without making adequate provision for dependent wife and children?
[a] Manu
[b] Yajnavalkya
[c] Kautilya
[d] Narada

4. In context with the Mahayana Buddhism faith, the future Buddha is ___?
[a] Krakuchanda
[b] Amitabha
[c] Maitreya
[d] Kanak Muni

5. The Boghazkoi inscription was discovered in __?
[a] India
[b] Iran
[c] Syria
[d] Turkey

6. The Vallabhi University was set up by which ruler?
[a] Kumargupta I
[b] Bhattarka
[c] Dharmapala
[d] Gopala

7. In the Rigvedic Dasrajan Yudha (Battle of Ten Kings) the Bharatas emerged winner at the bank of __?
[a] The Indus River
[b] The Saraswati River
[c] The Sutlej River
[d] The Parushni River

8. In which among the following sacrifices, the sacrificial materials used was sura in Vedic Era?
[a] Agnistoma
[b] Rajasuya
[c] Sautramani
[d] Vajapeya

9. Which among the following Kushana king adopted the epithet Dharma-thida?
[a] Vima Kadaphises
[b] Kuzul Kadaphises
[c] Kanishka the Great
[d] Huvishka

10. The grandson of Ashoka, who accepted Jainism was __?
[a] Samprati
[b] Kunala
[c] Dasharatha
[d] Salisuka

11. According to some Jain traditions, who was son-in-law and first disciple of Tirthankara Mahavira?
[a] Jamali
[b] Jamvant
[c] Jamval
[d] Cant’ say

12. At which place Mahavira attained Niravana?
[a] Pavapuri
[b] Kundagram
[c] Vaishali
[d] Rajgriha

13. Under whose leadership, Jainism spread in South India? [a] Sthalabahu
[b] Bhadrabahu
[c] Ashoka
[d] Chandragupta Maurya

14. Who among the following was the founder of Pushyabhuti Dynasty ?
[a] Pushyabhuti
[b] Prabhakar Vardhan
[c] Aditya vardhan
[d] Harshavardhan

15. Which Chalukyan ruler set up it capital at Vengi ?
[a] Vishnuvardhan
[b] Mahendravarman
[c] Kakusthavarman
[d] Pulakesin II

16. By whom Pallava King Mahendravarman-I got defeated?
[a] Pulakesin II
[b] Vikramaditya II
[c] Yajnavarman
[d] Pulakesin I

17. Who among the following built the Gomateshwara statue at Sravanabelagola ?
[a] Chandragupta Maurya
[b] Kharvela
[c] Amoghavarsha
[d] Chamundaraya

18. Who among the following built the Gomateshwara statue at Sravanabelagola ?
[a] Chandragupta Maurya
[b] Kharvela
[c] Amoghavarsha
[d] Chamundaraya

19. Ujjaini located in the Malwa region, came under which Mahajanapada?
[a] Anga
[b] Kasi
[c] Kosal
[d] Avanti

20. Who was the last ruler of Shisunaga dynasty?
[a] Kalashoka
[b] Nandivardhan
[c] Naga-Dasak
[d] Udayin

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