

Kerala PSC GK | Facts About India - 16

751. Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India? - Wavell
752. In World War One this person was wounded in the Battle of Ypres in 1915 and lost an eye. Later he became Viceroy of India. His name is: - Wavell
753. Mountbatten stepped down from the position of Governor General of Independent India in: - 1948
754. Name the Governor General who introduced Doctrine of Lapse: - Dalhousie
755. Name the Governor General who is called the “Maker of Modern India”: - Dalhousie
756. Name the Governor General who was called ‘Akbar of British India’? - Wellesley
757. Name the person who resigned his position as Viceroy of India in August 1905 because of a difference of opinion with Lord Kitchener, the British military Commander-in-Chief in India: - Curzon
758. Name the Viceroy who was called the “Aurangazeb of British India’? - Curzon
759. The college established by the British at Ajmer was named after the Viceroy: - Mayo
760. The first Viceroy of India: - Canning
761. The Governor General during the second Mysore War: - Warren Hastings
762. The Governor General during the third Mysore War: - Cornwallis
763. The Governor General when Calcutta medical college was founded: - William Bentick
764. The Governor General who annexed Satara to British India, the first princely state to be annexed to British India under Doctrine of Lapse: - Dalhousie
765. The Governor General who died at Ghazipore on the Ganges River where his grave and monument are still maintained by the Indian government: - Cornwallis
766. The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal: - Curzon
767. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference: - Wellington
768. The Viceroy of India during the Delhi Durbar of 1877: - Lytton
769. The Viceroy when India got independence: - Mountbatten
770. The Viceroy when Muslim League was formed in 1906: - MintoII
771. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed? - Chelmsford
772. Who was the Governor General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown: - Canning
773. Who was the Governor General when the first railway line was established between Bombay and Thane? - Dalhousie
774. Who was the Governor General when the first telegraph line was established between Kolkata and Agra? - Dalhousie
775. Who was the Governor General when the Universities of Kolkata, Bombay and Madras were established? - Canning
776. The Viceroy when the First Round Table Conference was held in 1930? - Irwin
777. The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911: - Hardinge II
778. The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced? - Lytton
779. The Viceroy who believed in free trade and abolished all export duties except those on rice, oil, indigo and lac: - Northbrook
780. The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands: - Mountbatten
781. The Viceroy who had been the Commander in Chief of the Indian Army: - Wavell
782. The Viceroy who was resigned after the Afghan issue in 1876: - Northbrook
783. Who became Governor General two times (1786, 95, 1805)? - Cornwallis
784. Who raised a para-military force called Imperial Service Corps, which was officered by Indians and only inspected by British commanders? - Dufferin
785. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act? - Ripon
786. Who suppressed the mutiny of Wahabis: - Elgin I
787. Who was the first Governor General of British India? - Warren Hastings
788. Who was the Governor General when Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed in the Fourth Mysore War? - Wellesley
789. Who was the Governor General when Treaty of Amritsir was signed between Renjith Singh and the East India Company? - Minto I
790. Who was the Viceroy during the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre? - Chelmsford
791. Who was the Viceroy when capital of British India was transferred from Kolkata to Delhi? - Hardinge II
792. Who was the Viceroy when Criminal Procedure Code was brought into effect? - Canning
793. Who was the Viceroy when Durant line was brought into effect? - Landsdowne
794. Who was the Viceroy when Edward VII was declared as the emperor of India? - Curzon
795. Who was the Viceroy when General Election was held in all the provinces of the British India in 1937? - Linlithgo
796. Who was the Viceroy when INC launched Quit India Movement? - Linlithgo
797. Who was the Viceroy when Indian National Congress was formed in 1885? - Dufferin
798. Who was the Viceroy when the first Census was held in 1872? - Mayo
799. Who was the viceroy when the first regular census was held in 1881: - Ripon
800. Who was the Viceroy when the interim government assumed power on 2nd September, 1946? - Wavell

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