

Kerala PSC GK | Facts About India - 08

351. Which commission was enquired into the assassination of Indira Gandhi? - Thakkar Commission
352. Which portfolio was taken over by Jawaharlal Nehru from VK Krishna Menon in the wake of Chinese aggression of 1962? - Defence
35353. Birla House, where Gandhiji was assassinated, is in: - Delhi
354. For how many days Gandhiji was imprisoned in South Africa? - 249
355. In his life, Gandhijji was undergone imprisonment for ____ days. - 2338
356. Jawaharlal Nehru met Gandhiji for the first time at the Lucknow session of Indian National Congress held in the year____ : - 1916
357. Subash Chandra Bose became the President of Indian National Congress for the first time in: - 1938
358. The journals ‘Al Hilal’ and ‘Al Balal’ werelaunched by: - Abul Kalam Azad
IK Gujral 359. The Prime Minister of India when India celebrated the golden jubilee of its independence: - I.K.Gujral
360. What was the post held by Gandhiji in NatalIndian Congress in South Africa? - Honorary Secretary
361. Who authored Gandhiji’s favourite prayer ‘Vaishnava Janato’? - Narasimha Mehta
362. Who became the acting prime minister of India after Jawaharlal Nehru: - Gulsarilal Nanda
363. Who formed the Widow Remarriage Association in Poona? - Dhondo Keshav Karve
364. Who wrote ‘India Divided’? - Dr Rajendraprasad
365. Who is known as the father of Indian Politics and Economics? - Dadabhai Navroji
366. In which year Gandhiji established Sabarmati Ashram? - 1917
367. Gandhiji conducted his first Satyagraha in South Africa to protest against: - Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance Bill
Anand Mohan Bose 368. In 1878, some of the followers left the organisation led by Keshav Chandra Sen and formed new organisation named Sadharan Brahma Samaj. Who among the following was the leader of it? - Anand Mohan Bose
369. The Mauryan emperor who gave attention to Municipal administration: - Chandragupta Maurya
370. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed? - Lord Chelmsford
371. Which event in Buddha’s life is symbolized by Stupa? - Mahaparinirvana
372. Who launched the journal ‘Pakhtoon’? - Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
373. Who led Adi Brahma samaj after the schism in Brahma Samaj? - Debendranath Tagore
374. Who wrote ‘Essays on Gita’ and ‘Life Divine’? - Aurobindo Ghosh
375. Who is regarded as the first great leader of modern India? - Raja Ram Mohun Roy
376. Who became the President of Indian National Congress for the longest continous period before independence? - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
377. Who founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan? - K.M.Munshi
378. Who authored ‘Mathavilasaprahasanam’? - Mahendravarman I
379. Whom the British called ‘the father of Indian unrest’? - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
380. The author of ‘Unhappy India’: - Lala Lajpath rai
381. Which place was a factor of conflict during the tripartile struggle: - Kanauj
382. Who founded the Tatvabodhini Sabha in 1839? - Debendranath Tagore
383. Who were the Bose brothers in the national movement? - Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose
384. The author of Hind Swaraj? - Mahathma Gandhi
385. In which state Porbander, the birth place of Gandhiji is situated? - Gujarat
386. Who represented Hindu community in the Second Round Table Conference’? - Madan Mohan Malavya
387. Who founded the famous Hindu College in Calcutta? - David Hare
388. The leader who ended Satyagraha at Guruvayur as directed by Gandhiji: - K.Kelappan
389. Vernacular Press Act was passed in: - 1878
Rehmat Ali 390. Which Indus valley site is situated near Gulf of Cambay? - Lothal
391. Who coined the term Pakistan for the first time? - Rehmat Ali
392. Who led the march in connection with salt satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam? - C.Rajagopalachri
393. Who said ‘Political freedom is the life breath of a nation’? - Aurobindo Ghosh
394. Who was called ‘Desh Nayak”? - Subhas Chandra Bose
395. Who was called ‘the Prince of Martyrs’? - Bhagat Singh
396. Who was popularly called ‘Bengal Tiger’? - Bipin Chandra Pal
397. Third Round Table Conference was held in: - 1932
398. In which session of the INC Gandhiji became President? - 1924 Belgam (Karnataka)
399. Lal Bahadur Shastri is the first to get Bharat Ratna posthumously. He got Bharat Ratna in: - 1966
400. At what age Gandhiji decided to adopt brahmacharya? - 37

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