351. Which commission was enquired into the assassination of Indira Gandhi? - Thakkar Commission
352. Which portfolio was taken over by Jawaharlal Nehru from VK Krishna Menon in the wake of Chinese aggression of 1962? - Defence
35353. Birla House, where Gandhiji was assassinated, is in: - Delhi
354. For how many days Gandhiji was imprisoned in South Africa? - 249
355. In his life, Gandhijji was undergone imprisonment for ____ days. - 2338
356. Jawaharlal Nehru met Gandhiji for the first time at the Lucknow session of Indian National Congress held in the year____ : - 1916
357. Subash Chandra Bose became the President of Indian National Congress for the first time in: - 1938
358. The journals ‘Al Hilal’ and ‘Al Balal’ werelaunched by: - Abul Kalam Azad

360. What was the post held by Gandhiji in NatalIndian Congress in South Africa? - Honorary Secretary
361. Who authored Gandhiji’s favourite prayer ‘Vaishnava Janato’? - Narasimha Mehta
362. Who became the acting prime minister of India after Jawaharlal Nehru: - Gulsarilal Nanda
363. Who formed the Widow Remarriage Association in Poona? - Dhondo Keshav Karve
364. Who wrote ‘India Divided’? - Dr Rajendraprasad
365. Who is known as the father of Indian Politics and Economics? - Dadabhai Navroji
366. In which year Gandhiji established Sabarmati Ashram? - 1917
367. Gandhiji conducted his first Satyagraha in South Africa to protest against: - Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance Bill

369. The Mauryan emperor who gave attention to Municipal administration: - Chandragupta Maurya
370. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed? - Lord Chelmsford
371. Which event in Buddha’s life is symbolized by Stupa? - Mahaparinirvana
372. Who launched the journal ‘Pakhtoon’? - Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
373. Who led Adi Brahma samaj after the schism in Brahma Samaj? - Debendranath Tagore
374. Who wrote ‘Essays on Gita’ and ‘Life Divine’? - Aurobindo Ghosh
375. Who is regarded as the first great leader of modern India? - Raja Ram Mohun Roy
376. Who became the President of Indian National Congress for the longest continous period before independence? - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
377. Who founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan? - K.M.Munshi
378. Who authored ‘Mathavilasaprahasanam’? - Mahendravarman I
379. Whom the British called ‘the father of Indian unrest’? - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
380. The author of ‘Unhappy India’: - Lala Lajpath rai
381. Which place was a factor of conflict during the tripartile struggle: - Kanauj
382. Who founded the Tatvabodhini Sabha in 1839? - Debendranath Tagore
383. Who were the Bose brothers in the national movement? - Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose
384. The author of Hind Swaraj? - Mahathma Gandhi
385. In which state Porbander, the birth place of Gandhiji is situated? - Gujarat
386. Who represented Hindu community in the Second Round Table Conference’? - Madan Mohan Malavya
387. Who founded the famous Hindu College in Calcutta? - David Hare
388. The leader who ended Satyagraha at Guruvayur as directed by Gandhiji: - K.Kelappan
389. Vernacular Press Act was passed in: - 1878

391. Who coined the term Pakistan for the first time? - Rehmat Ali
392. Who led the march in connection with salt satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam? - C.Rajagopalachri
393. Who said ‘Political freedom is the life breath of a nation’? - Aurobindo Ghosh
394. Who was called ‘Desh Nayak”? - Subhas Chandra Bose
395. Who was called ‘the Prince of Martyrs’? - Bhagat Singh
396. Who was popularly called ‘Bengal Tiger’? - Bipin Chandra Pal
397. Third Round Table Conference was held in: - 1932
398. In which session of the INC Gandhiji became President? - 1924 Belgam (Karnataka)
399. Lal Bahadur Shastri is the first to get Bharat Ratna posthumously. He got Bharat Ratna in: - 1966
400. At what age Gandhiji decided to adopt brahmacharya? - 37