

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 39

541. Johnny lives alone in ___ one-bedroom appartment
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

542. The test results will be available in about ___ hour.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

543. ___ old friend of mine helped me paint the house.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

544. Are you going to ___ movies this weekend?
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

545. I'm driving riht now, but I'll call you back when I get to ___ work.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

546. "Do you watch ___ TV a lot?" "No, only my favorite cartoons.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

547. ___ TV in the living room has no cable connection.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

548. Shalini owns two pets, a dog and a cat. I don't like ___ cat very much, but ___dog is adorable.
[a] a / the
[b] the / the
[c] the / a
[d] a / an

549. We're running out of ___water. I have just finished the last battle.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

550. You can drink this water safely. We have ___ best water in the country.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

551. New York is ___ large city
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

552. Are you attending ___ reception today
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

553. ___ Oranges are grown in Nagpur
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

554. She wants to become ___ engineer
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

555. ___ lion is a ferocious animal
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

556. Taj Mahal was built of ___ marble
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

557. Let us play ___ chess
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

558. I go to Madurai by ___ Vaigai express
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

559. ___ apples I bought are sour
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

560. The thief was sent to ___ prison.
[a] a
[b] an
[c] the
[d] no article

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