

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 29

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 29

351. This is the man who _____ the painting (steal, stole, stealing) ?

352. Tanisha decided to ______ the post in the face of protests against her nomination (turn down, turn out, turn up)?

353. Mother Teresa devoted her life to ______ the poor (help, helps, helping) ?

354. The universe __ continuously ever since the beginning of time and the galaxies ____ away from one another at great speed (have been expanding---- has been moving, has been expanding------ has been moving, had been expanding ---- has been moving ) ?

355. _______novel that you gave me is very interesting (a, an, the) ?

356. Correct the Statement :- Each of the boys were given a pen (Each of the boys is given a pen, Each of the boys was given a pen, Each of the boys has given a pen) ?

357. The Prime minister leaves ______ America tomorrow (for, on, to) ?

358. Some accidents ______ by rash driving (caused, are caused, has caused ) ?

359. The meaning of "folly" is (mistake, arrogant, affect) ?

360. Necessity is the mother of _____ (invitation, invention, inventions) ?

361. There are too many boys _____ the bus (in, on, at) ?

362. Change the voice:- Did the blast terrify the children (Were is the children terrified by the blast, Were was the children terrified by the blast, Were the children terrified by the blast) ?

363. It has been raining _____ an hour (when, since, for)?

364. I am junior ____ him (for, to, with) ?

365. Don't bother _____ making coffee (on, for, about) ?

English Main Page | Santhosh Nair

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