

Kerala PSC - Rani Gouri Lekshmi Bayi (1810-1815)

Kerala PSC - Rani Gouri Lekshmi Bai (1810-1815)

  • She was assisted by Col. Munroe as the Resident Diwan.

  • The secretariat system was introduced by him and all correspondence at the State level was to be carried on with his knowledge and under his signature.

  • He took all possible steps to achieve economy in public expenditure. Each landholder was given a 'Pattayam', in which the extent of the land held by him, the nature of the tenure, government demand etc. were noted.

  • The designation of  'Karyakar' was changed to 'Tahsildar' as in British India.

  • 'Chowkies' or customs houses were established in suitable places with a view to prevent smuggling.

  • Slavery was abolished in Travancore by a Royal Proclamation issued in 1812.

  • The scheme of judicial administration was reformed by Col. Munroe. Zilla courts were established at five selected centres in the State-Padmanabhapuram, Trivandrum, Mavelikkara, Vaikam and Alwaye.

  • A court of Appeal was set up at Trivandrum with five judges including the Diwan himself.

  • Munroe drafted a set of rules called 'Chattavariolas' based on the 'Dharma Sastras'.

  • The Police Department was enlarged and brought under the direct personal supervision of the Diwan.

  • Another reform introduced by Munroe was the assumption of the direct management of the Devaswams by the government in order to prevent their mismanagement.

  • The reforms of Munroe modernised the administration of Travancore to a very great extent.

  • Anchal Aappees (Post Office) : Colonel John Monroe introduced the Anchal (Postal) system in Travancore in 1811. The Post Master was known as "Anchal Pillai".

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  1. 2nd female ruler Rani Gouri Parvathy Bhai ( 1815 - 1829)
