Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 21

231. Salina plays ____ violin (a, an, the) ?

232. His cousins, with their father ___ coming (is, was, are) ?

233. In spite of repeated failure he did not give ____ his attempt (on, in, up) ?

234.____ living dog is better than a dead lion (a, an, the) ?

235. She would get the job, if she _____ (tried, will tried, has tried) ?

236. Vimal is displeased ___ his wife (on, by, with) ?

237. This book deals ____ all topics of Malayalam grammar (in, at, with) ?

238. She is coming ___ car (in, on, by) ?

239. The collective noun for ‘judges’ (team, chain, bench)?

240. “In toto” means (heart, entirely, fully) ?

241. If you had telephoned, I _____ to your school (will come, would come, would have come)?

242. India will be the largest economy by 2017 ____ China and USA (for, after, since) ?

243. I feel good, I __ very well last night (slept, was sleeping, have slept) ?

244. This is ____ boy that once brought _____ dog to class (a,an .. the,an .. a,a) ?

245. The Supreme Court _____ the decision of the lower court (set on, set aside, set out) ?

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