Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 07

61. This is the matter _____ I am proud (That, Which, Of which) ?

62. _____ she was ill, she attended the meeting (but , still, Though) ?

63. You can ____ read ____ write something (Too __ to, Neither ___ nor, Either ___ or) ?

64. You should abstain ____ violence (In, By, From) ?

65. My brother is junior ____ me by 4 years (With, to, on) ?

66. The teacher was angry _____ his behavior (with, in, at) ?

67. It was a nice idea of you ____ that hotel (buy, to buy, to buying) ?

68.His strength consists ____ his honesty (on, with, in) ?

69. He lived..... Cheating others (In, On, By) ?

70. She stayed at home yesterday because he ____ a bad fever (Has, Had, Have) ?

71. I wish i ___ a Laptop (Has, Have, Had) ?

72. No roses without a ____ (Smell, Thorn, leaf) ?

73. He has to work late tonight, ____? (do he, has he, hasn't he) ?

74. He died ____ drowning (In, From, By) ?

75. You will pass your examination, if you _____ hard (work, Worked, have worked) ?

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